My love for sourdough has been an adventurous tale. When I first began my very first starter, months ago, I had absolutely zero success with it. Breads were like bricks. Pancakes were super sour everything was bland and disgusting. And then I came to the conclusion that this failure must be why everyone switched to commercially produced yeast back in the day – sourdough stinks! But you know me, I’m a stubborn ‘ol crazy person, and so I decided to give it a go, again, from scratch. I had mediocre success with this starter, sometimes it worked great, sometimes it didn’t. I found that after awhile, the sourdough starter got a little skanky smelling. Sorry, I realised skanky probably isn’t the best adjective here, but it’s what came to mind. I have since thrown that starter out and have relished in the success of my third, and by far my most successful starter.
I wanted to use some of my sourdough starter, but didn’t feel like making bread. I love the health benefits of sourdough, so I figured I’d try a sourdough waffle and see how I liked it.. How could I not like waffles? My carnivorous guy friend is a huge fan of these waffles and says they’re as good as – possibly better – than any traditional waffle he’s eaten and that’s saying something. So what makes this vegan waffle recipe so dang good? It’s not a complicated list of weird stuff you’ve never heard of. It’s not a secret ingredient, either.
Crisp, cake-like, and filled with pillows of pockets just perfect for drizzling with syrup, there’s just nothing about a waffle I don’t love! But my least favourite thing about waffles sold at the store is the ingredients found in them. Refined, enriched flour, additives, preservatives, chemicals, refined sugar, oil and eggs that came from who knows where are in most commercial waffles; even vegan waffles have a ton of refined sugar, additives, and preservatives in them. These waffles have really good flavour. The first time I made them, I think I ate my fill just nibbling at the cooked ones in the kitchen before we even sat down to eat. They’re so dang good on their own and you don’t really need much syrup to make them tasty.
Sourdough has a ton of those probiotic bacteria because it’s fermented. There’s an alchemy that takes place when you add sourdough to baked goods. They become lighter, airier, and flavourful without becoming tangy, as you would expect. I could eat these sourdough waffles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and never get tired of them 👅 I do like to make a double batch when I make these so I get a good amount of leftovers. Gotta love those leftovers (time saver and money saver)!
These sourdough waffles are a handy make ahead breakfast (or dinner) recipe your family will love. Use up your extra sourdough starter and get your busy day off to a nutritious start with these crispy filling waffles. These waffles freeze really well for a quick toaster breakfast too.